Digital design services |
Graphic design & images |
Do your digital images need to be corrected or refined for printing, or do your personal photos contain imperfections or fading which you would like to have improved? Photos frequently require retouching, especially old family photos which have been digitally scanned from albums. Skin blemishes can be removed, torn photos can be digitally repaired, and text can be added (or removed). See the example below for an idea of the difference before and after repairs have been carried out.
Supply us with your digital images, and we will do all the hard work for you. In addition, if you are running a printing bureau, or trying to construct your own advertising material, you will know that images often need to be edited, and extra elements may need to be added to increase the depth and complexity of your output. Kessler Associates can handle that for you as part of its graphic design services. Creating adverts, menus, or banners may look easy at first glance, but when you want to include text, logos, photographs and various other ideas into your graphic design output, it can become very complicated.
All types of graphic design output can be created to meet your needs, whether it is a glossy, multi-page newsletter, a snappy magazine advert, or a restaurant menu. Allow us to put together all your graphic design needs and create a print-ready document for you, which can be sent directly to your printers if required.
Whatever you need, we have the solution. |
Contact us
Tel: +44 (0) 845 838 5524 |
us now to find out more about our services. |